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Skyscanner — travel deals Skyscanner. Tripadvisor Hotele Restauracje Tripadvisor. License Plate Volker Bublitz. Easy Rally Tomasz Staniszewski. Veturilo Urząd m. Fog of World Ollix. Zwiedzaj Gdańsk: Przewodnik Jakub Lange. Dott — jedź po swojemu Dott B. HoppyGo HoppyGo. Quinn Genzel. My suggestion to AIR France would be that the small cabin of business were assigned to adults only. Regarding food, some options were not available when our turn came. Plusy: "This is what happens when you get roped in by a low price.
Then bad info at airport which led to multiple trips through security trying to make weight on a bag that should have been checked but was told didn't need to. Ended up missing flight, having to rebook at full fare and no one knows where the bag that was checked is. Plusy: "Całokształt lotu. Plusy: "The crew is great, with their typical slightly humourous and casual French attitude.
Great collection of international quality movies. The vegan lacto-ovo meal is disappointing. Plusy: "full Meal service in coach , customer service , free wine , personal entertainment, power outlets , everything! Plusy: "Crew was great. White bread is unhealthy.
Plusy: "Crew and boarding, not much else to talk about. Late for take off, but made it on time" Minusy: "Late leaving and arriving. Minusy: "The flight arrived late with no clear explanation as to why.
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Then there was no EU queue at immigration, so more time wasted. Plusy: "tool me safe from one airport to another" Minusy: "wait time, food". Plusy: "I like that they still feed you and provide alcohol for free, even on a 40 min flight unlike BA. In bewilderment I asked her in English to repeat herself and she sarcastically repeated what she had said, in French, I asked for her to speak in English which she had done to me previously on this Paris to London flight yet again she scolded me in French.
I was left absolutely none the wiser and it left a bad taste in my mouth. Plusy: "I had a choice of movies, games and music that was very appealing. My concerns about not receiving the correct meal was handled professionally and promptly during the flight. I was surprised they couldn't discover I only ordered it for the second leg of my flight.
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Although I opted for general seating rather than paying for a extra leg room which is out of my budget. Not getting an aisle seat was disturbing at my height. Then there was the guy in front of me not willing to forego putting his seat back on my knees for over half the flight.
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It would be nice if the seat assignments for general boarding considered the height of the person being assigned. Plusy: "The crew" Minusy: "Not enough room for legs. Small amounts of food. No entertainment. Plusy: "After riding in premium economy for the 8 hour flight we had, this one wasn't the same. No tvs, way less leg room, we were able to have a window seat which was great for my sister since before we didn't have the window seat option.
The snack was good also. No tvs, way less leg room. Plusy: "I like that the boarding was delayed mid-way for some unknown reason thus, the take-off was 15 min delayed , and I was able to get on the plane with my short connection not being the last passenger. Minusy: "Lot był opóźniony o godzinę, wiele osób nie zdążyli na swoje dalsze loty do Europy.
Plusy: "Cabin crew was very nice" Minusy: "Snacks could be better and you could reduce plastic waste. I don't want to drink water from plastic cups, I don't need a napkin to my water, I don't need to receive a sweet bun packed in plastic wrap". Plusy: "Good on time flight" Minusy: "Not much, small plane for a short trip, everything was fine". Plusy: "sympatyczna załoga" Minusy: "miło by było, gdyby walizka "priority" faktycznie wyjeżdżała jako jedna z pierwszych Plusy: "2 hour delay, which had a quick transfer.
My bag did not arrived with me. I submitted a luggage claim, they were supposed to call me up the following day which they didn't. I took it upon myself to go to the airport to collect my luggage. It took half day to take care of the luggage situation. Minusy: "flight was over 6 hours longer than planned, we did not catch plane from Budapest to Krakow so went to Warsaw than to Krakow, plane from Warsaw didn't have air conditioning working, worst flight ever!!!