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This is what the majority of elite intellectuals, almost all elected representatives, the majority of artists and almost all the French media. Only the ordinary people remain, silently enraged. And even the ordinary people are infested with the suicidally naive. I say to the French people who are collaborating and the French people who are sleeping: France, and beyond that all of Europe, is at an advanced stage of its islamisation from on high. You have already accepted Islam from the moment where the you complain about radical Islamand Salafists.

Even if the islamist leaders in France promulgated a year moratorium on everything that bothers the French, Sharia will remain a sword of Damocles that will fall fatally on your heads one day, unless you oppose Islam firmly and at the official level, without appeal. You have already made Islam a religion of state when your leaders deal with the UOIF and CFCM, and trasnfer part of the authority of the state to them in a sign of allegiance. Islam is a religion of state in France from the moment where your leaders celebrate it, cajole it, subsidise it, protect it, it and it alone.
These dignitaries treat the elected representatives of the people like veritable tribal chiefs from whom they need allegiance and loyalty.
Ich bin ein Berliner. John Kennedy
And they get it! When Dalil Boubekeur [head of Islamic association] speaks, he presents himself as as a second head of state, head high, wth a facile tongue and an assurance ready for any test. Islam is now at home in France, A mini-Islamic republic in the Republic. The cuckoo has laid its egg. Morocco and Algeria will supply are already supplying teachers paid for with the taxes — I mean the zakat — of the French taxpayer. They see the pressures their politicians are subjected to from the communitarian Muslim population organised in strata:.
The mass of practising Muslims brandished as a threat to public order, Moderately radical Muslims whom their leaders think of as reservists, The militants Islamists who deal with propaganda, lobbying and legal jihad, the Salafists who create a diversion and the terrorists who terrorise. They form an ensemble of players who work in concert with only one objective: forcing the Republic to bend to their will by forcing the politicians and institutions to bend to their will. All are hammering on the same nail : sharia, the ultimate goal of Islamic doctrine. Do you think all the North Africans were islamised one by one the day after the landing at Oqba?
It was necessary to islamise the chiefs of the tribes first of all, then mark the physical, political, cultural environment with Islamic markers. Sharia follows later to ensure that the process remains irreversible. Tariq Ramadan is the first to swear that there is no question of sharia in France. What Muslim, however moderate, would be ready to definitively and publicly renounce sharia?
At best, they will defer it till later. They fight, conduct their jihad openly, mobilise more and more troops, form alliances with NGOs, infiltrate the political world, literally buy the conscience of elected officials and use the slightest flaw in the law to turn it to their advantage. As the icing on the cake, they authorise here and there some attacks and murders, to show the capacity of this foul ideology to do harm and thus paralyse any vague desire to resist. Ils montent haut la barre pour amener les Français à accepter un SMIG islamique dans un premier temps.
Air power smashes all serious defences, which allows the infantry to advance by stealth until it has encircled the enemy HQ and forced the generals to surrender. They are surrendering one by one. In the end, in France, the Islamist conquerors are doing their job of conquerors, but those who are supposed to defend the homeland — that is to say the politicians, the ministers, civil society, the intellectuals…- are not doing the job of patriots.
Without the slightest resistance. Those who try to resist are just ordinary citizens who end up neutralised by the law, discredited by the politically correct or intimidated by the readymade thoughts beaten in day and night by the media.
Pragnienie - Jo Nesbø
At the slightest misdemeanour, they are hauled in front of the tribunals under the ironic eye of the burka and kamis wearers, more arrogant than ever. These terrific online resistance fighters end up disappearing, like Bivouac ID and Liberty vox [French anti-Islam websites] or reduced to defending their skin like Riposte laïque.
In France, it is now fascist to fight against fascism. Capitalists take risks. They see an opportunity, an unmet need, and then they bring resources to bear to solve the problem and make a profit. Industrialists work to take working systems and polish them, insulate them from risk, maximize productivity and extract the maximum amount of profit. They are maximizers of the existing status quo.
The best employee is a robot that can be plugged into a wall. The stock market rewards the single-minded industrialist with short-term applause and then the relentless desire for ever more of the same growth and productivity that got them applause yesterday. As long as industrialists are measuring productivity, engaging in scientific management and focused on ROI and predictability, there will always be a gap between the dreams of those they interact with and the demands of their shareholders.
Ich bin ein Berliner. John Kennedy - PDF Free Download
There are lots of ways to justify the work of industrialists, to point to the efficiencies and productivity they create. Seth Godin poniedziałek, zmieniono. Copies of the books recently arrived at my office. Three books at once might be crazy, but with your help, it might turn out to be a great idea.
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This is about making books for my readers, as opposed to finding readers for my books—and it all depends on whether you choose to read the books and to spread the word. The first, the core book of the three, is The Icarus Deception. You can read a free sample here. PS 1, copies of Icarus are hand-signed, and if you find one with a colored autograph, let me know, as I have a gift for you.
The second is called V is for Vulnerable, BN It was created with Hugh Macleod, and it takes the last chapter of Icarus and turns it into a spread illustrated book. The third is a big book, a high-value plenty of pages per dollar! Thanks, as always, not just for reading, but for doing something important with the ideas.
I appreciate your support more than I can say. It can be colored shoelaces or vinyl records or handmade medicine balls. Then, over time, many of these organizations start to make products and services that are carefree.
The result is efficiency and distribution. Mostpeopledontcare This is the classic diffusion of innovations process. Learn more about this key concept here, here and here. Some examples: ebooks were first sold to just a few people. Over time, the price of the reader comes down, more books are available and it becomes more attractive to the mass market. Or the car transforms from something for millionaires and hobbyists into the Honda Civic. You just want it to work, and to be inexpensive. Or the charity that starts out on the bleeding edge of technology, raising speculative money from a few philanthropists, but then moves into the mainstream and becomes an easy cause to explain and support.
Or the musician and his band and his label who goes from hand-crafting music to mass-producing live spectacles. Apple, of course, is the classic example. The Mac was, for the longest time, only bought by people who cared a lot about which computer they bought. And the iPhone transformed the market because it became a phone for people who wanted to care about their phone. The recent launch of the iPhone5 disappointed the geeks, but that was on purpose. They introduced a phone that worked, not one that was fascinating because it was loaded with untested new features.
And the third step, so difficult to avoid, is that the growing organization starts hiring people, not necessarily people who care, to grow their ever-industrializing company. Think General Motors, No one pushed back on the horrid design and build quality of the Cadillac. Until it was too late.